Tag: Rejuvenation

  • Youghal Boardwalk Officially Opens!

    1st July 2021
    Last Wednesday we saw the official opening of Youghal Boardwalk, making it Ireland's longest coastal boardwalk at 7km. The boardwalk…
  • Town Wall Receives Funding for Repairs

    27th May 2021
    The Heritage Council has announced that Cork County Council has received €40,000 in funding for repairs to a section of…
  • Library Funding

    Library Funding

    27th May 2021
    Among the many projects receiving funding as part of the East Cork Development, Youghal received €4m for the development of…
  • Front Strand Picnic Benches

    21st May 2021
    Very glad to see The Front Strand got some new wheelchair accessible picnic benches! Fantastic to have somewhere to rest…
  • St. Mary’s Update Tours

    3rd September 2020
    The ‘Voices of St Mary’s’ project being developed for St Mary’s Collegiate Church, led by Helen Mulcahy and Aileen Murray…
  • Progress on Boardwalk continues at rapid rate

    28th August 2020
    The construction of the Boardwalk on the strand beach is coming along very quickly. They have now sunk the first metal…
  • New Statue of Captain Ahab Unveiled

    13th August 2020
    Youghal received a new gem in it's collective crown with the unveiling of the new statue of Moby Dick's archenemy…
  • Progress on Youghal Greenway

    24th July 2020
    Youghal Greenway is coming along nicely in the recent months. Glad to see some things progressing even with the current…
  • Myrtle Grove Funding

    9th July 2020
    Funding of almost €103,000 has been allocated between six East Cork projects, with Myrtle Grove receiving €20,000 for electrical repairs.…
  • Youghal Receives Funding for Unused Courthouse

    26th June 2020
    Youghal Chamber is absolutely delighted to hear that Youghal is to receive €281,250 in funding for the regeneration of the…

Youghal Chamber

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