Youghal Tourism Development CLG

T/A Youghal Chamber of Tourism & Development

Creating the best environment for business to succeed by influencing key decision makers and sharing knowledge and expertise

The representative voice of business in Youghal


We provide training programmes Youghal Chamber helps facilitate enterprising training programmes upskill local and national organisations in a wide range of industries so they can reach their true potential in


We represent the views of our members at local, county, regional and national level. Lobbying is one of the key services offered by Youghal chamber to its members.

Supporting SMES

Youghal Chamber develops and packages services that can be delivered to SMEs these include information and training programmes to support growth and competitiveness.

Networking Opportunities

Youghal Chamber offers support and assistance to help local businesses grow and provide the best service possible to their members. It operates the chamber quality


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